Chickpea Flour Pancakes
Benefits of a Vegan

Chickpea Flour Pancakes


I’d been wanting to try chickpea flour pancakes and there are nearly as many different ways to make them as there are names!

Actually, I’d heard of so many that I got a little stuck with where to start.

I knew I wanted to keep them pretty traditional and so I wanted to keep that lovely Indian flavour but I also wanted to give them a modern, western twist so they’d be really quick and use no mysterious ingredients I’d have to travel across Europe for.

After plenty of trial and error, this is what was born. Different to most pancakes that we’ve made in the past, these are decidedly savoury.

Our now world-famous 2 ingredient pancakes can be eaten both sweet or savoury, as can these high protein cottage cheese, but these chickpea pancakes are something else entirely.

With a pleasingly aromatic smell, these pancakes immediately ask to be paired with pickles and chutneys, or a yogurt or cream dip. Hummus and guacamole also go really well.

And so, dear readers, we give you chickpea pancakes.

A high protein, high fibre breakfast, lunch or dinner that tastes like the best of Indian cuisine while being easy to make, and even easier to eat.

Any vegans out there will also be pleased to hear that these are right up their street, as well will gluten or lactose avoids.

Chickpea Pancakes – What I Learnt

As mentioned, these chickpea pancakes are exceptionally easy to make, and made even better when these simple rules are followed.

  1. Use a large pan. These pancakes are far superior when they’re thin – easier to flip and the veggies get cooked better too.
  2. Use a non-stick pan, and use a little tissue to make sure the surface is evenly coated in oil.
  3. Use whatever veg you have laying around. This dish works on so many levels that virtually any vegetable will work with it, so here’s your chance to use those leftovers!
  4. Dice the veg finely. The smaller it’s chopped, the better it cooks.
  5. Eat them hot! In my humble opinion this is imperative, so if you’re cooking multiple pancakes then keep them warm in the oven.